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21.04.2023 12:30
Accounting and bookkeeping Antworten

Confidus Solutions has years of experience in supporting and advising international clients to smoothly start and run global businesses. One of our main offerings is the provision of international accounting services through local financial advisors for new and existing companies.

We offer a wide range of accounting services to ensure the timely preparation of your company's tax reports, either on an annual or monthly basis - depending on your requirements. We take care of everything from tax planning and advice to preparing reports for submission to the local tax authorities. Our auditing services ensure your business meets all the requirements, standards and legal requirements of the chosen jurisdiction.

Confidus Solutions can offer its customers virtual accounting services for any European country. Each jurisdiction has its own accounting rules, deadlines and deadlines for filing accounting reports and tax returns, which may vary depending on local regulations. Our team will contact you promptly to ask you to provide the required documentation. Our accountants handle payroll issues and provide professional advice on accounting, tax and global operations. We can also carry out financial audits and provide various administrative services if required.

If you are looking for a detailed consultation in bookkeeping, please open one of the pages below:

Annual financial statements;
Bookkeeping & statements for offshore companies;
VAT and VAT reports;
Accounting services
Confidus expert accountants and lawyers will be happy to offer you the following services:

Preparation and submission of financial accounts and reports;
Payroll accounting;
Drafting annual reports;
Drafting and bookkeeping all internal accounting documents;
Communication with local tax offices, if required;
Corporate account management;
Legal advice and bookkeeping assistance during audit;
Revision, improvement and modernization of internal bookkeeping system.
Choosing Confidus Solutions as your professional accountant will also provide you with the following benefits:

Cost reductions - We can help you get rid of unnecessary expenses and consolidate transactions and accounts;
Efficiency and productivity lift - Our services shall give you broader vista for productivity and time to achieve your essential business goals;
Quality accuracy and fast turnaround time - We adhere to high efficiency rate. We ensure that the highest possible quality of work is carried out;
Clearness and data security - We draft and submit ongoing reports systematically. Rest assured your data are safe and secure with our professionals.

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