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08.12.2023 12:36
Canadian limited partnerships as a trading solution Antworten

A Canadian Limited Partnership is one of the customized business solutions that Confidus Solutions offers. The Canadian LP company is a flexible legal instrument used in a number of classic corporate structures. One of the most efficient ways to use Canadian LP is to create a commercial entity structure that would allow for tax and cost minimization without being considered an offsopre jurisdiction.

limited partnerships in general
The popularity of limited partnerships is easy to understand in today's business environment. In many jurisdictions, limited partnership structures are designed to be tax transparent. The personally liable partner is responsible for the management of the company and is the only partner with unlimited liability. The liability of each limited partner is limited to his contribution and any profit not drawn. Partnerships can be formed by verbal or written agreement, with written agreements always being preferable.

The most popular jurisdictions for forming limited partnerships are Scotland (under the Limited Partnership Act 1907) and Canada (under the Partnership Act of the country's respective provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Ontario and Saskatchewan).

Advantages of trading through a Canadian LP
Once the above challenges have been overcome, the ease of trading through a Canadian limited partnership becomes obvious:

A Canadian LP is not subject to corporation tax, because it is not a body corporate for Canadian tax purposes.
The LP itself is not subject to Canadian taxation; partners are instead assessed based on their share of the profits. Therefore, if the partners are not Canadian residents, there is no Canadian source income and no Canadian income tax is payable.
There is no obligation to file an annual financial statement.

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